I am no longer drunk...........for the moment.
While I had fun getting drunk - kind of - it was way too easy to get way that toasted. Golden Monkey really packs a wallop.
It was a work happy hour. I like my peers, and we tried not to talk about work. My suggestion of 'Brett Kavanaugh' spawned depressing conversations - one of which did the 'should his life be ruined over something he did at 17' bullshit. Of course, this guy has three daughters, so I just replied, ".......and if it was one of your daughters that happened to, you'd feel the same way?"
Crickets. .....and then I ordered another beer.
I won't lie - I knew enough that I put yesterday's post together, but when I woke up, I did think to myself, "did I just post pictures, or did I write a thing?". It turns out I did - with typos.
Yup. That drunk.
Oh - and I woke UP drunk. I literally stumbled to bed at 21:30 and still woke up around 06:00 drunk. Thank YOU, Golden Monkey. And then I promptly went back to bed for another 90 minutes.
I oddly bounced back fairly well.
Since it was a Saturday, then it was a Shep day. ......but aren't they all? It means, hitting a park, or parks, to keep him busy. Honestly, we like the hikes, but I'm not sure we'd do this many if we didn't have him. Actually, I know we wouldn't.
This time it was a new place, Hell Hollow.
The trail was nothing at all. The Hell comes in at the 262 stairs down into the hallow. Actually, the Hell is the 262 steps back up. Or so I'd assume.
My knee is so fucked up right now, we made it down maybe 34 steps and I looked into the gorge and thought, "what the fuck am I doing?". We turned around and climbed back up and then took the little man to Canine Meadows to run.
I'm still almost a week out from my MRI and then meet with the doc. I think I'll have to find a brace in the interim just to make it to the MRI.
I really cannot take 40 more years of this.
Song by: Foo Fighters
Welcome 'home' - even though it's an uncomfortable one for you, both physically and mentally (I include 'politically' in the latter). I'd be sending you 'thoughts and prayers' if they had the slightest chance of working. Sending you healing thoughts in any case - at least there's no further harm done in that.
you get to have breakfast with spo today - LUCKY YOU!
You woke up at 6 am on a Saturday - what is wrong with you!
I am feeling stiff knees starting; I empathize
Thank you for meeting up with us today. oxoxo
JP - I SAID i went back to bed.
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