Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sunny Afternoon

You think these posts would be easy, but it can be difficult to get cute pics of these guys. It's a lot of thrown away images that don't make the cut. And Winter is harder, as they are just a little lazier. As am I.

 Mr. Pete working on his holiday water buffalo horn. 

 Everyone wants to be close to their dad, it seems. 
I'm quite ok with that. 

 Sophie goes and plops down right in front of her brother. 
She could have gone anywhere, but nope....

Though once in a while she comes to me for love. 
Or heat. Though some experts say she's manipulating me. That's ok, I'm very bendy. 

Song by: the Kinks


anne marie in philly said...

furkids in the sun patch! do the kids gravitate to 710 as much as they do to you?

Fearsome Beard said...

Manipulate? I guess I'm one manipulated man to the power of six. I love it.

Ur-spo said...

I remember when I had a couple of cats they were most enjoyed in January, each providing the warmth of the other.

cb said...

Poor Sophie. She can only cuddle with you when you aren't walking petey, playing with petey, taking pictures of petey.....

Mark in DE said...

I can see the contentment in their eyes. They have a good life and they know it.