Friday, December 16, 2011

Date with the Night

Two weeks ago, when I was in Vegas for work, I noticed all these billboards scattered around town advertising big name "stars", such as Chris Brown, Bruno Mars and the former Duchess of York performing at various casinos for the year end holiday.

The question to me is, which year?  Isn't New Year's Eve 2012 like 384 days away?

Surely promoters in Vegas, where folks have attention span of gnats, they are not trying to book things a year out. If they are truly talking 19 days from now, on my calendar New Year's Eve is still falling in 2011.

On an unrelated note, USAToday had an article yesterday that over 50% of the US schools get failing grades.

Song by:  the Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Birdie said...

"Former Duchess of York." Heh.

Ur-spo said...

I thought once a duchess, always so.

Blobby said...

Possibly Spo. Possibly. I didn't look up the protocol. Maybe she just lost the HRH.

Erik Rubright said...

This probably should be expounded with the school of thought that thinks the start of the new millennium was 2000. ;-)