Saturday, August 24, 2024

Furry Sings the Blues

We are very cat heavy here this week. But I know many of you are more cat people than dog folks. We can all get along, no?  

Simon just hanging. 
Eons ago, Kylie used to walk through there too, mostly as a large, living feather duster. 

We almost always wait for Dad #1 to get home for an evening walk, but Shep wasn't allowing that the other day. He talked, sang and finally came close-up with hound dog eyes.  We walked. 

Simon and a cookie.  My cookie. 

My niece's cat, Pippa. 
The original family Kitler. Or as I call her, Eva Braun. 

Park walk - somewhere between day care and home. 
He's spoiled. 

Comfortable cat in his home. 

Song by: Joni Mitchell


Old Lurker said...

Spoiled? Shep? Never!

Pippa has a much more pronounced stache than her cousin. But are all the felines in your family obligated to be white nationalists?

Raybeard said...

Whatever they do, even asleep, they can't help but hog the limelight. And Pippa is just one big, magnificent, cuddlesome fur-ball.

Bob said...

I love that cats make themselves at home anywhere.

James Dwight Williamson said...

Cookie Cat for the win.

Travel said...

I hope there is mutual enjoyment in the walkies.

Ur-spo said...

I am more a dog person than a cat person but yours is the cat's meow.