I feel a little bad for Kamala. No one is really talking about her per se. Everyone is seemingly talking about her running mate. I mean, Tim Walz is the guy.
Neither here nor there. If it helps the ticket and helps them get elected, I don't care who is riding who's coattails.
The Shillbilly has gotten roasted all over the place - even in his own party. The Right is having a hard time swift boating Tim. He just is seemingly a good guy. That has got to bother the fuck out of the GOP and their usual tactics.
But a group, who have been named Never Walz Group got a booth at the Minnesota State Fair. They are there to hand out and sell anti Walz stuff. I'm assuming pins, bumper stickers, t-shirts and kozy koolers. Just a hunch.
What they didn't do was plunk down the $35 annual fee for a url. The url. Their url.
Never Walz (dot com)
The best $35 you have spent this year?
Thanks I find this quite refreshing.
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