Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Site of the Month

This could go into the weekly troll post, but it's harder to arrange. It works better as a Site of the Month. 

I feel a little bad for Kamala. No one is really talking about her per se. Everyone is seemingly talking about her running mate. I mean, Tim Walz is the guy. 

Neither here nor there. If it helps the ticket and helps them get elected, I don't care who is riding who's coattails. 

The Shillbilly has gotten roasted all over the place - even in his own party. The Right is having a hard time swift boating Tim. He just is seemingly a good guy. That has got to bother the fuck out of the GOP and their usual tactics. 

But a group, who have been named Never Walz Group got a booth at the Minnesota State Fair. They are there to hand out and sell anti Walz stuff. I'm assuming pins, bumper stickers, t-shirts and kozy koolers. Just a hunch. 

What they didn't do was plunk down the $35 annual fee for a url. The url. Their url. 

Never Walz (dot com)

But someone else did!

It's ok to click on. Honest. 

Good for whomever (though probably the DNC) to snag the site name. Even if there is no real group called Never Walz, even better props to someone who made up the entire scenario and story. 


Travel said...

The best $35 you have spent this year?

James Dwight Williamson said...

Thanks I find this quite refreshing.