For blog historical sake, in case someone comes back to read this one day: Mr. Ammirati, by all means, seemingly had an impressive jump at the Paris olympics. However, things (his wang) got in the way and well, his pole brought down the pole.
As this was the qualifying round, he didn't make the cut - though quite a few Frenchmen are uncut. .....I've heard.
I might be in the minority here, and have never actually asked anyone this before, so others can weigh in, should they like.
When I run, or do a vigorous workout, if anything, my schwing shall I say.....lessens. There is nothing about strenuous exercise that has ever made me erect.
Making the assumption that this is true of many male athletes, and now add in thousands of live spectators and millions of television ones, I would think the pressure to have more than a semi would be almost impossible.
This makes Anthony that much more impressive.
If that's what the man is packing and he's not at full staff, well...........yowza.
A pole vaulting career has an extremely narrow window and no doubt it doesn't come with benefits - oh wait, France provides medical care for all citizens, regardless of socioeconomic status - and the pay would be sporadic at best.
OnlyFans is forever. And I hear there is monthly income.
Honestly, it's lycra or spandex he's wearing. Technically, he could just show through that and collect the $$$$ - he wouldn't even need to pull down that singlet. If he did, he could probably charge more.
I feel bad for the guy. His first olympics - possibly his last. It is bad enough not to qualify, let alone for that reason. I hope he's laughing along with others - and I hope others are not laughing at him, but at the situation, though I'm sure it seems like a fine line.
Can I say I'm impressed that someone made a drawing / sketch / painting of this so quickly? Maybe it was AI, but I hope someone took the time.
Song by: Evelyn Champagne King
The things I miss when I am out of the loop for a couple of days.
Did you see him bend over? It looks like he had something coming out of his ass from the way the material was stretched. Let's just say, it looked like a butt plug handle.
Let us remember the 1968 Olympics that gave us Bob Segren, the best-hung American at any Olympic competition. The photogenic Segren used to participate in the Battle of Network Stars in swimming. His buldge was so enormous that ABC only showed it once. After that censors had him photographed from the waist up.
I’m a slut , but I’m quite impressed with his endowment no small feat to completely destabilize the pole with your penis.
Blobby googling Bob Segren...........
There is a Bob Seagren , who won a gold in pole vault can’t find any salacious photos . He went on to be an actor
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