Saturday, October 28, 2023


Busy busy week for me. I haven't even finished Wordle.....yet. I'm not sure the pictures are great, but they're ok. 

He looks nice, but he's gonna bite you. 

Back of the pack. 

This dog (don't know her name) LOVES Shep.  She always comes as closer to her invisible fence whenever he takes an evening walk. 

Greeted by these two cuties. I can't remember hers name, but the white & black dude is Tony. 

This white & black dude continues to explore. 

......or is ready to pounce. 

And Shep shows off his Autumn side. 

Song by: Neil Young


Raybeard said...

This selection kills me. I got no words - except 'thanks'.

Travel said...

Ahh, we needed that.

James Dwight Williamson said...

Simon is a beast . Shep is a poster boy.

Ur-spo said...

such lovely dogs!