Saturday, October 07, 2023


We are having a nice Autumn here in the 216. I mean, we take Shep out in all kinds of weather, but it's nice to do it when it's still warm and sunny - even with a hint of Fall in the air. 

Dad #1 went to get picnic fud. Shep was all about the return. 

One day post-op. Flying from radiator cover to bed. 
He's fine. 

I slept on the sofa one night. Shep snoozed with me and at some point Simon curled up behind my legs. 
Best. Night. Ever. 

Shep up at Lake Erie on such a gorgeous day. 
Afterwards, we went down to the beach where he frolicked in said lake. 

Respectful distancing. 

What is for dinner???
Curiosity did not kill the kitten. 

Song by: Franz Ferdinand


Travel said...

Thanks we needed that

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of Shep at Lake Erie. Classic

Will Jay

James Dwight Williamson said...

And the Lion lies down with the lamb……..

Raybeard said...

Luv 'em both to bits we do!

Ur-spo said...

The cat is up to no good that's certain.