Monday, November 04, 2019

My Music Monday

Stripped down. That's the theme for November.  (Semi) Popular songs by (semi) popular artists in an unplugged-ish fashion.  I think this could work - in a good way.

I'll start with Brandon Flowers from his solo work. He is usually the lead singer for the Killers, but has two solo disks out. If the good stuff from those were combined into one disk, it would make for an incredible first side of an album.  I think he really needs his band. He seems to be more consistent there.

Anyhoo......."Can't Deny My Love" is from his second solo disk. I think I used the album version years ago as a MMM selection. Maybe you'd remember, or maybe you'd give it a chance now with minimal musical accompaniment.

This is taken from a promotional appearance for the disk, while he visited the Siriux XM studios.

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