Food for thought.
I'm assuming he's just blowing raspberries at me. Story of my life.
If he gets to bed first - he always takes my side.
Honestly, I'm to sure he cares Sophie is there. I'm not even sure he knows she's there.
The poor girl gets whapped by his tail daily.
Well visit at the Vets, but why not check stuff out - especially the cat books.
He chased her and she came right back at him. Good Sophie.
710's even better birthday portrait of Shep.
Song by: Art of Noise
Wherever he is, he's the boss, and makes sure that all know it - except for good ol' Sophie standing up to him, when he's not so sure.
I like 710's other birthday pix better. sophie is the queen who must be obeyed!
He might be bigger,but she's got attitude!
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