Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore. Now it's just Erik (and sometimes Jim) and myself - that I know of.
I still continue to do this, because of all my consistent post topics, I actually like this one the most.
06:15. Clothes set out for the morning for me to put on.
08:40. Blood draw for my annual physical next Monday.
I walk in and a woman is telling another woman she'll be observing her and telling her what to do. I mockingly go, "am I going to be your first stick???". She replies, "No.'ll be my 12th.".
08:50. And while she did fine sticking me, the needle wasn't in enough to have blood flow enough to fill the tubes. They thought it would be ok, but I wasn't coming back. I had them re-stick me, hence the bandage on each arm.
....the urine in the cup? Well........who said that was for the physical?
09:00. Hospital Skyway.
Walking from the lab to visit a friend who works at the other end of campus.
09:40. 40F, but not warm enough.
As seen on Petey's morning walk.
10:10. Finally. Breakfast.
I had to fast for 12 hours before the blood draw. Then the friend visit. Then the dog walk. Then to take care o my nutritional needs.
12:20. Sprint (not my network) FedEx'd an ad to me.
They fucking overnighted an ad to me.
13:30. Petey takes a schvitz.
We've been making the guest bath a steam room to help keep his lungs clear. He's not happy in there, but I think he thinks he's going to get a bath.
16:45. Playful Sophie. She is such a good girl.
17:30. Promises of Spring. Remnants of Winter.
Second Petey walk.
18:45. Layering my lasagna.
A possible Cooking with Blobby post next week. I'm not committed to it though.
18:45. Layering my lasagna.
A possible Cooking with Blobby post next week. I'm not committed to it though.
20:33. You thought we were late to the British Baking thingy? Well I'm really late on Orange is the New Black. We might be the last people in the U.S. to see it. Even my niece and nephew have.
I snagged it from the liberry - and here season 1 still sits. I'm not good at binge watching. We'll have to get on that and I'll have to renew the time I have on it.
And now, your Baker's Dozen.....well dozens. .....
22:05. What is sure to be a post in the near future - another baking segment, where I made M&M cookies. Successfully (relatively speaking), I might add.
Thanks for the glimpse into you day
^ mr. travel did "12 of 12" yesterday; check it out!
those cookies look dee-lish! we'll make a baker outta you yet!
That's a jam-packed day!
I wish my doctor would order the lab work before my physical. I always have to see him for physical first, schedule the lab work then wait for the call to tell me all is ok, or I need to come back. My annual is March 27 this year.
Good pics, especially Petey & Sophie.
What is the 9:40 pic? I don't recognize it?
The spring flowers must have been an exciting treat.
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