Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Life is Sweet

I know - it's close to Valentine's Day and you don't know what to get your Boo.

Teddy Bears are passé.  Flowers? They'll die in a few days and be forgotten, save the requisite FB post saying they received them.

If you don't have a reservation to a nice place for dinner - you're too late for that.

Whitman Sampler or Russell Stover heart-shaped boxes of assorted candies that you pick up at Walgreens while getting your Doxycycline prescription? You know those were made July 2014 - right?

Well you might think of getting the love of your life - or your newer significant other a chocolate anus.

Oh, that's right. You heard me. A chocolate pucker.

A better gift has quite possibly never been concocted.

It's probably too late to order one (or more? I mean, who can eat just one?) for this year, but there is always Sweetest Day and / or his or her birthday. I mean, one can never have too many sweet buttholes to savor.

Yes, these are the eternal questions - to lick or bite.

Personally, I don't see why it has to be one or the other. You can do former then the latter. Or you can purchase multiple ones and do both.

You're almost - almost!!! - assured of it being dingleberry free (insert USS Enterprise joke here). I really don't know their quality control process, so one should watch know, just in case.

I also know nothing of their manufacturing and distribution methods, but it is safe to say this gives a whole new meaning to the term 'fudge packer."

And speaking of..........Billy's dad is one.

Song by: Maria McKee


Bob said...

It just proves that if you have an idea for a product, goods or services, there's a marketplace for it!

Mark in DE said...

Perfect for the spouse that has everything... except a chocolate anus to eat!!