Friday, October 05, 2012

the Logical Song

It has been one tough work week.

No, I don't want to talk about - but thanks for asking.  So I'm just posting a funny (all relative, I suppose) pic.

...and it's funny because it's true.

Maybe you have to have a cat to get this.  If Sophie sees silver, I get yelling of a lifetime.

Song by: Supertramp


anne marie in philly said...

yep, too true! meredith can have 10 treats on her plate, but she wants 12 and will meow pitifully until she gets 12.

may you have a better weekend!

x said...

Sorry it was a tough week but the weekend is here!!

Mike said...

I feel the same way about french fries

Raybeard said...

I feed my pussies mostly out of rectangular trays. It's funny how, when they stop as though they've had enough, if I turn the tray around so that they see the food left from a different angle, they'll always eat some more. Anything to reduce the waste and expense of throwing food away is worthwhile trying.

Anonymous said...

Change the color of the bowl.

Cat guy said...

This happens to cats who have their food bowl constantly full. It’s not the portion they are upset about. They want to get to the kibble that hasn’t been air burned. After kibble sites out for a few hours it becomes air burned and stale. SO they throw away the stale bits and look for the fresh bits.

Erik Rubright said...

You should seriously consider this for Sophie: Petmate Le Bistro Programmable Feeder. We have one for our two kittehs, and they no longer associate us with feeding time. Which helped break several habits of theirs. (You can get it from this link for a little cheaper.)

Ur-spo said...

This 'logic' is what made Commander Data and 'Spot' so hilarious; his trying to figure out the cat via logic.

Raybob said...

So true. One of our cats also decided that "more than five minutes out of the can equals stale". *sigh* I could usually fool her by turning my back and making "can" noises with a spoon where she couldn't see to "refresh" her food. She was not the smartest of kittehs.

Greg said...

This is so true.....