Much to Spo's and Someone's dismay, I am in Phoenix for work.
There is no time for fun, as I'm with my regional team and my new boss. The third boss I've had at this company in less than three years. ....and I met him on Boss's Day - something he passive-aggressively he pointed out to all of us 4-5 times.
As it turns out, we end this meeting around 13:00 on Thursday, but I couldn't get a flight out until the next morning (05:05 - ugh!). So I am spending an additional night with no co-workers, but moving hotels to something much closer to the airport for that ung-dly flight hour (it means getting to security at what - 03:30?).
So, I will have some potential free time to see friends, be it Spo or Someone (not that I've contacted them). But my friend David G, whom you've read about me visiting in Vegas is now in the Jan Brewer state - and specifically in Phoenix. Yay for me. Yay for him!
I also have two other friends here as well. Ones I have not seen for maybe 18 years. Jeff and Bill left Columbus shortly before 710 and I left for Cleveland. I guess I could call them to see if they wanted to meet for a drink.
I also have a fraternity brother here as well. No offense to Dunns, but we haven't been that much in touch, so he's a little lower on my need to meet up with list.
This is a trip I've been dreading, which is why I don't think I gave the head's up to anyone. I was hoping it wouldn't happen on any level, but here I am - in Phoenix, the same night as Madonna - though I don't think she's staying at my hotel. Actually, I'm sure she's not.
I left a 50 degree Cleveland for a 90 degree Phoenix. Not that I will see outside much, but it's nice to know it's warmer somewhere.
Ok - it's almost midnight my body clock time - way past Blobby's bedtime. Nite kiddies.
Song by: Sting
Did you get Boss the third a Boss's Day Card? Does Hallmark make those?
I'll be out that way in a couple of weeks. Hopefully I get to meet Spo and Someone in person. They seem like wonderful chaps!
Dismay indeed - When I checked in to catch up, I was saddened to see you were in town but did not have a chance to see you. I hope to do so next time you are in town - and I promise no flags on the sandwiches.
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