Yesterday was Sophie's 5th birthday. At least according to the rescue place we got her. Unless she was really born there (which she was not), I'm not sure they really know, but it is the only date we have for her, other than the one we got her from Rescue Village.
She was named, by the shelter, Fabiano. Or as Denton calls her, "our little Italian shoe maker". That might explain why she likes to make sweet sweet love to our shoes once they are off our feet.
She also came to us with an extra pad on one of her toes and a broken tail. All of these things make her, her.
We love(d) Kylie and Tovah, but Sophie is a different kind of cat. She's a dog cat. She is not independent, or aloof. She's an in-your-face kitty. Has to be by you or around you at most times. Wants to be up on you. She'll play fetch for hours with balls or string. She yells at us all the time for attention and is a cuddler. And I haven't had dogs who have licked us as much as she does.
To be fair, we encouraged her to talk - and talk back. She is quite the conversationalist. And now that I'm working from home, she's around all the time.
Sophie is fun and funny and I love her a lot. I can't believe she's 5. She still acts so kitten-like. But she is great to have around and now that I'm working at home, it's good to have a companion.
So I'll include some Soph pics here. The title image is her first weigh-in at the vet, where we decided on her name. She was all of 2.2 lbs.
Evil lurks in there. She still has claws here, so she was still young.
HEY! You're not supposed to be up there!
Helping Aunty Dith knit.
In true form, Sophie climbed up on me and even in my sleep I accommodated her. Just like when Denton says she crawls all over me at night and I don't stir. I'm there for her needs and happy to do it.
That's it. I won't bore you with more pictures. I can't find the one of her first xmas, which was so frickin' cute.
So she's 5. I'm hoping many more years of her being her. I still think she needs a sister or brother, but we'll see. We like her personality so much, we hate to have it change on us.
Song by: Sara Evans
She's so beautiful!
I've got two cats and two dogs. And one of my cats is a dog cat too.
Greetings from the Canary Islands (Spain).
Somebody's in love...
Sophie is adorable!! The only cat I've ever had was a crazy one, who was totally a dog-cat as well. I think they're the best kind to have. :-)
I envy you your dog-cat. Ours were all rulers, one of whom would deign to accept petting only when we were in bed and under covers. Your Sophie is a cutie- pie!
If I didn't have allergies I would have several pets.
Cute kitty!
I've melted!
Aww.... does she sing jellicle songs?
Happy birthday to Sophie
Sophie's a beauty. Our cat, Diesel, likes to sit on my head while I'm sleeping, according to my partner. And Diesel has to be wherever we are. He's such a softie.
Aw what a nice furbaby. Georgie says ruff.
steven and meredith say: "meow, cousin sophie, happy birthday pretty kitty girl!"
You had her claws removed!!!!! How does she climb trees and kill small furry creatures?
Because of her extra pad and a deformed claw, they had to come out. But she doesn't go outside to climb or kill things.
Her problem is: she's not afraid of anything, including traffic and such. She wouldn't last long outside.
OMG in that last photo you look exactly like the dude from OK Go!!!
I miss my cats; I am so glad your cat has such a fortunate home. !
Sophie is just like my phoebe!
so cute
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