I did not struggle with this week's artist, I did with the song though. Or the video. Or both.
I know the idea here is to present music, not necessarily visuals, but video is a good way to show you the music.
The problem I'm finding with the Cardigans is that they have great songs and iffy videos. I mean, I kind of like them, but I suspect I'm not everyone.
Yes, you can all breathe a sigh of relief with that last statement.
If all you know of the Cardigans is their mid-90's hit, "Lovefool" and were as turned-off as I was with it, you might be missing a lot. I cannot say that song really represented them. I considered that fluff and quite annoying (though, less so now).
While the Swedish group does have underlying pop sensibilities, they have a decent rock mix in what they do....and that was reflected in 1998's Gran Turismo and in 2004's Long Gone Before Daylight. which remains one of my favourite albums.
So there are some great songs on that last disk. Both disks actually. And while there are some decent videos from the latter disk, whatever copyrights there in Sweden, they do not equate to being shown here, so I have no video to show for my first few songs of choice. Sorry.
With that, I'm going back to Gran Turismo.
"My Favourite Game" is the song. Good guitar. Good beat. Good vocals. Decent video.
If I remember correctly, I believe some video channels banned it for its recklessness and the violence at the end. It's not anything really bad - at least in my estimation. There are far worse videos depicting bad behaviour.
If you like, I can always make singular song suggestions. Or sample from iTunes.
I always thought of this album (and song) as a reference to the video game that came out the year before. Great album and song.
They made such good music after lovefool... Love Good Horse
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