Saturday, May 03, 2014

Cut Flowers

Saturday can only mean one thing:  Petey Porn!  With a little Sophie thrown in.

Frolicking in the flowers - like Ferdinand. 

Morning routine. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

Gotta have one of Sophie. 

Poor Petey caught mid-sneeze.  How undignified. 

That was not the intent. He was staring at me eating lunch when Mr. Schnoz got the better of him.

Song by:  the Smithereens


anne marie in philly said...

can't live without my saturday furkid porn! have a nice weekend, blobby!

Anonymous said...

I luv the mid-sneeze pic - looks like he's laughing.

Birdie said...

When I sit like that, it's only a matter of time before my dog's head is poking through--looking for crumbs, treats, a pat, whatever.

Bob said...

I love Mid-Sneeze! That's a perfect picture.