Remember in an earlier episode of The Simpsons, Lisa and Bart were sent to stay with their aunts, Patty and Selma?
If you do, and I know some of you do, then you will also remember that the only thing the Bouvier sisters had to drink in their apartment was buttermilk, Mr. Pibb and Clamato.
Yes, it is a line that my friends and I still use now and again. We use our powers of recall for nothing good or educational.
So imagine my disgust when I was pumping gas over the weekend and the husband pointed out the sign on the petrol station window.

At least by the sign, it looks like Budweiser is catering this product to the Hispanic demographic. I'd ask my friend Josh, as he is the closest thing (did I just call him a 'thing') to having a Hispanic friend. I know, that sounds horrible, but it is true.
Anyway, I'd ask him, but he was adopted from Colombia and raised in Youngstown by couple of gringos. Jewish at that. I don't know if he is the demographic that Bud is going for.
g-d knows that I'm not.
Recently a fellow diner combined Dos Equis with tomato juice and pepper. I politely refrained from comment, but he liked it. Go figure.
You can't always tell if something is good by the way it looks. Ketchup on fried eggs looks disgusting but tastes like heaven. If a friend was drinking beer and tomato juice, I'd be willing to try a sip.
It is very common practice in other countries to mix beer with tomato juice.
I know I see people both tomato juice and clamato in the bars here all the time. It freaks me out. Beer needs nothing added to it. Except maybe salt...
If your friend was raised in a Kosher household, he probably wouldn't be able to speak about the use of Clamato.
Clamato is what I use when I want to induce vomiting.
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