Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Site of the Month

It seems I haven't had a really good Site of the Month lately.

g-d, none of you remember when I tried to pull of Site of the Week years back. Disastrous. It turns out there aren't 52 great sites per year - and think if you had to multiply that by eight years? Yowza!

As it is, I'm pretty much serving up shitty sites - so you can only imagine how low I'd have to get to do this continually or weekly. It's why I have also opted not to start my iPhone App of the Month. How long before I got to reviewing faux mugs of beer that disappear when you pretend to drink from your smartphone? Or the iPhone/Bic lighter. BORING!

And while this month's SotM isn't sustainable with on-going anything - it is a one entry blog from 5+ years ago - it made me smile and laugh.....if nothing else for the title.

But, that being said, I still think you should read the entire entry of....................wait for it.......


Yes, you end up knowing the outcome, but it is really about the journey - isnt it?

...and thankfully, there are no pictures.


Cubby said...

ROFL That's just nasty.

Ur-spo said...

very nasty; and an 'etch a stetch' moment too.