What does one do in Cleveland when it's 95 degrees out on a Saturday?? Well, yes, we did go to Inception, but before that we filled time at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
It is a world-renowned establishment with some of the best works in the world within its walls. Currently undergoing a multi-year renovation, much of the place is still open (somewhat) and all for free. We love going there, it is practically in our backyard and never do it enough. Saturday was great.
We skipped the paladins and sarcophagi this time and headed to see mostly paintings. I love some of these works of art. And since they are always changing up the collections, you always see new stuff.....or rediscover great pieces.
While photography is strictly forbidden in the museum, I kind of did the 'it's better to ask forgiveness than permission' kind of thing. It is not like I used a flash to damage any of the artwork and I only took it of a few pieces I really liked. But if you really think about it - if someone tells me not to do something.....well......c'mon........
So I will share with you some of the better pieces I saw. Feel free to click on images to enlarge.

Possibly my current favourite piece - Panoramic View of the Alps, Les Dents du Midi by Gustave Courbet. It would look great in our house. This one I didn't take a picture of - too many guards around. So I stole it from the internets. You can see in the lower right corner, Courbet did not finish the painting completely.

The piece, in response to the Holocaust, has footprints and tire tracks on it - along with plaster and ash. The top portion is covered with salt, which turned the canvas white. It had me standing in front of it for about 10 minutes - and in the translation from art time to real time - is about two weeks.

We made a pseudo-pledge to make it down and tour the museum more often. I highly recommend when you're in Cleveland you should make the effort to stop by.
Song by: the Eurythmics
I loved that museum and can't wait to go back. I stayed in the Rodin gallery for twenty minutes real time, a month art time. What I found striking is the expression of the faces of his subjects. Most statuary is expressionless except in their totality, but Rodin makes you wonder what the subject is feeling and thinking.
Since most reproductions in books are sized the same, it's jarring to see the actual size of some famous works. And it's interesting that it makes a difference.
Less artsy, more fartsy (HJS).
Love the alpine painting!
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