Yes, I'm getting a late start this morning. My weekend seems to be thrown off. I don't see getting to Spin in the next 20 minutes when I just rolled my hairy butt out of bed. ....and I had nothing drafted for a blog post - so it's all about priorities, people.
Last night was our umpteenth year in going to the Cain Parks Arts Festival (no, it is not a Fair, but I had no songs with the word 'art' or 'festival'). It was also our third or fourth after-festival dinner with a group of art-liking homos.
"Art" is a relative term. Eye and beholder come to mind. And let's just say we were a little underwhelmed last night. Normally we stop in a few booths, but this year I can count on one finger - yes finger - how many we stepped foot in. For you mathematically challenged folks, that would be: one!
More fartsy, less artsy, to paraphrase Homer Simpson. More jewelry and pottery than you can shake a kiln at. And what is with making it look like broken pottery at that? This isn't some ancient ruin where you've uncovered secrets from a Mayan civilization. This is supposed to be your craft and possibly your livelihood. Maybe I don't understand art at all.
....clearly I don't, or someone wouldn't have to explain this to me:

Denton mentioned (and I hope he's (not Denton) reading/listening here) that David should be showing his work here. I readily agreed, though he doesn't seem like a throw-a-tent-up-and-sit-there-all-day-and-listen-to-people-yak-about-good-and-bad-art kind of guy. Prove me wrong Mr. J. ...prove me wrong.
Seriously though, his work is leaps and bounds better than what was shown. I really love his photographs.
Dinner with the homos was at the same place - an ok Indian restaurant. One of the few places that can probably handle 20-30 "guys". This year was mostly the usual suspects with a few new thrown in as always. Maybe they'll become usual, perhaps not.
Most of the guys didn't actually attend the festival, but just came to dinner. One friend, Gregg, asked if we had bought anything. I said 'nein'. He reminded me that I didn't buy a piece of art I really wanted last year, due to price. He asked if I still think about it - and I do. He chided me for passing it by and that money will come and go, but you'll always have the art. Maybe he was right.
The company was better than the food and the art. It'd be nice to do it more than once per year and switch up the place we do it at, but truth be told, I'm not willing to take over the planning for it - so I will shut my pie hole and go along for the ride on this one.
Song by: the Association
This beholder think that face is very cool (no sarcasm).
Damn, I think that metal head could be friggin' awesome-- especially if it were animatronic.
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