I probably do have something to say today, but when I posted the other day of having writer's block, Sean suggested I post a video of me dancing in the shower.
Here it goes.
I don't see what's so great about dancing in the shower - though one might suspect he thought it would be with less or no clothing than me coming directly from post workout and in gym gear.
Yes, the entire 20 seconds is queerer than queer but it will explain so much. I am a HORRIBLE dancer. Ask Mr. Pez. And I'm clearly no Brettcajun when it comes to dance videos. He's the king.
Ok, I am not really not as bad as this and I do have rhythm. I realize I look gayer than I actually am (yeah, I'm saying first - so keep your pie holes closed!). I thought of editing out the hands on the hips thing, but I couldn't be bothered.
On the other hand it is meant to be queer....and a bit over the top. I knocked this thing off in about 15 minutes - and that includes carrying the laptop upstairs shooting and editing it. It took longer to upload to YouTube.
To be fair, it was my first attempt at a video anything. It took me forever to actually find the Photo Booth of my newish Mac. I've never used it, let alone searched out it's function. But the editing thing it pretty easy and so is the adding of music.
....now if I can just get acting, voice and dance lessons, I'll be golden.
UPDATE: allllll fixed. except for the dancing part. that will take years of tap, ballet and jazz lessons.
Song by: Chris Isaac
OK, either you are being a very mean tease or you are not aware of this: when I try to watch the video, it says:
"This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request."
Cruel. Just cruel. To dangle you dancing before me then deny me actual access to it.
Oh.. and whether I ever actually get to see it or not, you are a real smart ass!
Yeah, total FAIL. You need to click "public video". Duh. And it can't be worse than my dance - I even did air guitar.
I'll be back for this.
We'll be back to watch your 'dancetravaganza'.
Oh yeah, that's a super great way to get us all worked up. Really bad of you......waiting, waiting, waiting....
Hey Hey! This is a family blog. Well.....kind of.
OMG you are the gayest 'mo EVER!! I love it!!
Where's the water? The coy look over the shoulder was the best part. I think you should post a video every month at least.
lol... nice...
I see your vid at work without sound (don't have access to it)...
I have no words... lol...
I'll watch it with sound tonight...
Funny, I hardly recognized you without the beer in one hand and the cruising eye!
If I had water and no shirt, I'd be given a 'content warning'. ....especially if I had the beer and cruising eye.
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