A few weeks back, though only recently reported, three girls (no, they're not women) in Oklahoma attacked and beat a non-binary student - enough so that she died the following day.
So concerned was the school on the beating, that they never called an ambulance for the child.
Let that sink in.
The grandmother of Nex Benedict took the child to the hospital. Twice. Once where they released them, and then a return visit upon where the student died.
Not only did the school not call for medical care, they didn't report the incident to police.
To be clear, it isn't unknown if Benedict died of the injuries put upon them in that school bathroom. Let me rephrase - the physical injuries. There had been multiple reports of bullying of Benedict. It wouldn't be unheard of - or even a surprise - if they took their own life due to the school circumstances. It is a scenario played out far too often for trans, gay and non-binary youth.
It doesn't help when the head of Oklahoma education is a vocal opponent of what he describes as “radical gender theory.”
I know I should do more research on some group called Libs of Tik Tok, but it sounds like a hate-filled group led by someone who was appointed by the Oklahoma education lead. Trans advocates note taht Libs of Tik Tok have an outspoken stance against transgender rights. Critics argue that the head of Oklahoma education's rhetoric and policies have contributed to an environment that enables hate crimes.
While I don't know this for sure, I would say they're also "pro-life". That, of course, comes with one big fucking asterisk. Pro-birth, yes. Pro-life: no!
At this point (read: two weeks after the fact) no charges have been brought against the three girls - even for assault.
I hate this fucking country. I'm sorry that Nex didn't have the life they deserved.
Song by: Sonny & Cher
1 comment:
I hate Oklahoma and many other states, but I’m not willing to say I hate the whole country.
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