Friday, February 16, 2024

My Cleveland Heart

Today is February 16th.  Or 2/16. Or 2.16. 

Cleveland's mainstay area code is also 216. 

For fun (?) a number of running groups get together do a run - untimed.....I think - on this day. 

Last year, I had just joined my training group and wasn't really feeling comfortable doing a pub run, per se. Not comfortable with them. Not comfortable enough with myself to consider any run 'fun'.  But I'm probably going this evening. 

At least that is seemingly the plan.

Evening runs are fine, though I think 710 is fine with me going, it's different on a Friday night. My weekends are already filled with me running and not being home. Maybe he loves that I'm not. 

There are a few routes to take in this race - a one-miler and a six miler. And yes, a 2.16 miler. I'm opting for the third choice. I mean, it's 2.16 on 2.16. 

The bigger reality is: I have to run 10 miles tomorrow, so I'm not doing 6 the evening before. 

Friday is technically my "rest day". I mean, I'll do 15 miles on a bike, but it's not quite the same. So a two+ mile run isn't much of a commitment. And there is beer afterwards. 

....though drinking still seems unlikely. 

There are raffle prizes, but those don't start until 19:30, which really means 20:15. At some point 710 and I have to eat dinner, so I don't want to hang at a bar all night.  A raffle is the only way I'd be winning something. As I think the run is untimed, there is nothing to be won, and even if, even in my age category I wouldn't win..............unless every other old running geyser is at home in their pjs and slippers. 

Happy 216. 

Song by: Jackson Browne


James Dwight Williamson said...

I don’t think you’re a geezer yet. I’ve heard you’re doing porn now and you are a geyser.

Old Lurker said...

Hrm. Running is taking away time from your friends and family? You don't have a problem. I mean, you haven't skipped days of work because of running... yet.

Clarksville, Tennessee has an area code of 931. I am thinking that this would be the longest run to match an area code which could be held annually?

Old Lurker said...

I am such an idiot. 931 won't work because September has 30 days. So 930 (Indiana, according to Wikipedia) is the best candidate.