Monday, February 12, 2024

My Music Monday

I can't (probably) get more current than this. Crowded House dropped a new single three days ago. 

Je have done no research on this, but assumes it is a precursor for a new disk. 

The band has been around for 39 (!) years in one iteration or another. Starting as a trio, to a quartet, back to a trio and then untold numbers have filtered through to where they are now a quintet. The only two mainstays have been Neil Finn and Nick Seymour. 

I had the great pleasure of seeing them live - just once - during the Woodface tour (when they were a quartet). Loved it.

I am that guy who buys all their stuff, even when I might not like it. In my opinion, they've had one dud-ish disk and close second, but most of their stuff is solid. 

"Oh Hi" is their new one. A lyric video, but you get what you get. 

As it is new, you only have first impressions by me. I like it. It's not love - not yet anyway. I like it more than most things off their last disk (the close second one mentioned above).  I'm hopeful for a new good disk. 

1 comment:

Travel said...

Good background music.