Monday, July 06, 2020

My Music Monday

Due to 12 of 12, I only have three My Music Monday entries this month -'re welcome!

On a whim, I'm doing 'covers'.  I mean, I only need three of them, how tough can it be. 

.....famous last words, right? 

I'll try to make them fun........or funny. 

I'm starting off with Nickel Creek doing a cover of Britney Spears' "Toxic". 

I'll let that sink in for a second. 

Ok. Have you rebounded yet? 

There is a weird thing of gay men not that much younger than I who are into Britney's music. I don't get it. At all. I get her stuff is now been out for pushing 25 years, but.......c'mon. At best, it's studio contrived. She has almost nothing to do with any of it, but I digress. Kind of.  

It is such light weight stuff and auto-tuned to hell, literally anyone could sing it and with enough studio manipulation sound exactly the same way. That isn't talent. Not on her part. 

I admittedly know "Toxic" because we watched Pitch Perfect 3, where they cover it. I had to look up who did it originally. I had to do it for most of that movie's musical choices. It wasn't a proud moment for me on any level. 

I think the funniest part of the cover is, the lead vocal is taken by Chris Thile, whereas you'd assume it would be by Sara Watkins. So it takes on a new level of absurdity. Oddly enough, they kind of make it work.  

1 comment:

rebecca said...

Lol I actually like that song