Saturday, January 06, 2018

Love is the Ride

Settle in folks - it's the first Sophie & Shep appearance of the year, plus friends.  I think there is a good selection, and if not in quality, at least in quantity.

Shep and best bud, Kooper having a blast at a school football field. 
...and yes, that is slobber draped across Shep's snout.  His own.  

.....a quiet moment of reflection. 

Brother and Sister time. 

Sleep time for Shep. He's a really good sleeper in bed. 

I swear, I could do this daily. I love being greeted like this. I know I linger and I'm sure the workers would just like me to go, but I stay and give anyone who wants pets pets. 

Sophie, making the new Oxo strainer hers, while her big-pawed brother watches. 

Shep checking out his new present. It's LL Bean, so hopefully it will last longer than a week. 

Dad #2 getting kisses for picking someone up from daycare!

Song by: Lucy Kapalansky


Raybeard said...

He doesn't seem to be too concerned about the horrific chill you must be experiencing, but I bet Sophie's not going out while there's warmth indoors.

anne marie in philly said...

that last one says it all!

Deedles said...

At the risk of becoming a cliché, awwwwww!

Bob said...

How could you NOT stay and pet those cuties!

Shep looks like a cool snow dog and, as always, Sophie is just cool!

Fearsome Beard said...


Anonymous said...

It bears repeating... awe!

I love these photos.

Ur-spo said...

My heart melts as always

Mark in DE said...

Big loves!! :-)