I lied about that final walk last week - we had another nice day, though "someone" refused to pose for the camera. What a fucking prima donna.
It's still a very cute picture of him.
Sophie lately seems to be about the reclining.
It's total glamour shot.
I do love their partnership - even if Petey is blithely unaware of their alliance.
Mid-week we found that Petey - unfortunately - has pneumonia........again.
Like clockwork, he almost always gets it in October or November. Unfortunately, this is the second time this year he has had it - June being the other time. But we caught it early, and he's rebounding nicely. He has had no loss of appetite - so that is a huge plus.
The vet also found he had a cracked nail - and he had to have it clipped.
Let's just say it didn't go as planned. He recovered better than I did.
As I was putting away clothes, Mr. Pete meandered upstairs, where he's not supposed to be, but considering his health, he was received with pets and kisses.
Song by: Nina Persson
get well soon, petey! and keep that couch warm for your daddies, miss sophie!
The clipped nail .... YEOW!
Our poor Hudson got a nail caught in the trim around his walker's car door and it tore off. Poor fella bled like crazy and hobbled around for a while after. We generally let his groomer clip his nails- I'm so scared of cutting too much and hurting him.
I also saw a miniature Doberman Pincer get a nail caught in an escalator. Tore it right off. Blood everywhere and a panicked, howling pooch. Not sure why the dimwitted owner had it standing on the escalator in the first place.
Ouch Petey! Get well soon there....
we love P and S !
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