Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cat & the Dog Trap

Saturday. Petey & Sophie.  That's really all you need to know - right?

Petey & myself - on a walk in the park.

We moved Sophie's fud back downstairs, and Petey thought he'd take a run at it. 
He's pretending like he doesn't see me, in hopes of getting around me. 

Petey is very friendly to all - but he has a special place in his heart for his cousin, David. 
Petey gets so frickin' excited when David comes over. Of course, maybe the treats David always brings might be part of the reason. But not all. 

And a very pretty portrait of Sophie. 

Song by: Cat Stevens


anne marie in philly said...

the first pix is a keeper; 2 boyz smiling!

and regal queen sophie waits patiently for her next head scritch!

Raybeard said...

Heart-warming pics all!

Bob said...

I'm with AM, I love the smiles in the first one!

Fearsome Beard said...

Handsome pair you two are!
Sophie's giving you two a run for your money there as well.

Ur-spo said...

pretty pets!

Mark in DE said...

Petey seems to be fond of the profile pic. ;-)