One is the coming back from the gym at 07:30 and then eat breakfast in your own house. Oh, and if I opt not to, I don't have to shower at the gym, change and then come home. I can just head home and shower.............or not.
I will be the first to admit, sometimes that doesn't happen. Like yesterday. Sue me.
I am fully aware that I used to mock my beloved when he was a work at home guy for coming home to the same thing he was wearing when I left. So I got some ribbing last night when Denton came home and asked if I just worked out.
"Just" is such a relative term. If he meant 11 hours prior, then yes, it was "just".
In reality, I came home, ate my cereal and went right to work.
I have finally migrated from the kitchen to the upstairs office to work. That Aeron chair is a lot nicer than the wrought iron stools in the kitchen or the wooden dining room chairs. And I can leave the doors from the house to the apartment open for the best work perk of all.....

I'd say I don't know why Sophie looks so big in these pictures, but in the last six months she's gained some pound-age. We'll have to monitor that. But she loves being around me when I'm home to work.

She makes her dad smile too - since I took all these pics and sent them to him at his work, 35 miles away.
Of course, Tovah is free to come and go as she pleases too, but I had no visits from her. I'm sad about that, but maybe next time.
Song by: Shakespear's Sister
Your purty kitty needs to lose some weight! Overweight cats are prone to diabetes. I'm surprised she doesn't just lie across your keyboard. Our cats would go wherever our eyes were aimed: book, keyboard, newspaper, etc.
pretty sophie! she so looks like my meredith.
I guess I could work from home, if I could ever figure out what I'm doing.
OH, funny! The "word verification" for my comment is "cative."
In reference to your post, perhaps you are "cative."
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