To be honest, I have little idea about this case, though it has to deal with a gun. This is not his laptop trial, I don't think. I really should read the news, but it bums me out.
With all the clamor of Von ShitzinPantz being convicted and the noise of an unjust court, one of the worst things could happen is if Hunter is acquitted.
I know I know. He might be innocent, legitimately. But the Right will never hear that; never believe it. And the noise will be deafening.
If he's found guilty - what the fuck are they gonna say?
I did pull the below off of Mark's blog - and it is one of the more genius things I've seen in a while.
Fucking Brilliant.
The dems will never seize this day, as they are pussies. Still, conceptually, it's perfect.
Song by: Björk
In the past 36 months 12.700 people have been charged under this statute. 12 have been prosecuted. Hopefully if convicted he will serve no time. I respect his father for following the rule of law. For whatever reason hunters life is a series of bad choices.
Blobby, you might want to label my blog as NSFW, lest some unsuspecting innocent click on that link and be greeted by a big hairy pair of nekkid buns (or worse)!
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