Lovely image, huh?
Well, I'm not feeling lovely or even can muster up the energy to pretend that I am.
When it comes down to it, I'm probably a lousy patient. At least on some levels. I'm a great surgery patient, but when it comes to aches and pains and sniffles, the world should revolve around me.
Oh who am I kidding? I'm a Leo. The world does revolve around me. What was I even thinking?
But to be frank, I cannot control everything - as much as that pains me. This cold has got me by the balls, so to speak. It's not allergies and yesterday I ruled out H1N1. It's just a summer cold. And there ain't nothing I can do about (whoa-whoa-whoa.....).
So I got into the family medicine clinic where I work. That will be the last time I do that. I believe Emma Lazarus wrote a poem about this place.
It was the dregs. I was the only one there who didn't bring my kids or parents. Oh, and the doc to see me happened to be the chairman of the department. A guy I interviewed with over a year ago and he turned me down. Awkward!!! (say it in that gay sing-songy voice. you know the one.)
Even more awkward was giving him my entire medical history and coupled it with the thought that if I had to run such a department that was so heinous, I would have jumped off the nearest bridge.
So - what did I get from this experience? Zilch. Basically.
It's a cold. Nothing they can do. It has to run its course. It's going to be a miserable week - for me and all who come in contact with me.
Fairly be warned! Arrrrgh.
Song by: Fiona Apple
Take care, old timer. Them summer colds are the worst! You oughta get yourself some Flu Buddy.
Sorry you are not feeling well. Whenever I feel I have the sniffles, I ignore them. I will get out there on the tennis courts and run my ass off. Do you know what? It helps! I swear... when I lay on my ass under the guise of taking care of myself... it last longer. When I sweat it out, it always seems to work like a charm! But I could be an alien. You do what you have to do.
First of all, it must be nice -- very nice -- to have BrettCajun comment on your site....I'm gonna kick his little Southern ass next time I see him for not commenting on my site.. All of that aside, my "summer cold" has whipped me since mid-June....I hope yours is over much more quickly.
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