I'm not sure my friend, Jon, has ever provided me material for Site of the Month.
Becca has. Morty has. Denton has. David has - multiple times. But never Jon. Not that I can think of. I could be wrong - and as I am pre-setting these up for publish and am on a deadline, I can't really go back through 1500+ posts.

Nothing says 'family fun' like game night. And nothing says 'game night' like Decalouge.
I mean - it is a family game if you're the Flanders family. But - ugh - playing the Ten Commandments?
Ok - not the movie. I love the cheesiness of the movie. But I think I've covered that. Yul Brenner. Anne Baxter. Edward G. Robinson! Not a jew amongst them, I'm betting.
So, I don't know if they are using the commandments from the Talmud or some St. James bible - or whatever those crazy catholics use.
And if it truly is a game on the ten commandments - aren't there really only TEN questions? How extensive can this game actually be?
"yes yes....you are lord, my g-d.......you've already said that!
It's packed with knowledge and fun - but only if you're 8 and older. Under 8 can burn in hell!
I think my favourite (potentially) are the Fate Cards. I'm sure I already know my fate - and I don't need to spend $29.95 to have it confirmed.
Yay...I'm in the "club".
Edward G Robinson was born Emanuel Goldenberg in Romania.
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