At least this new one is only weekly.
....and as far as I know, it's not in their game section, it just gets emailed to me each week.
The game is called Flashback.
The way you play is, they start at a point in history with a year and then provide you with an event and you have to say if said event came before or after that initial time.
As you go through the following seven clues, you place them in the timeline.
So the greyed out box is the initial point. The upper white box is the clue where you will drag it to before or after 1948
Yay me! .....but I still have seven more to do.
Now I have three options on where to place the new clue.......and so on.
I bungled the 1889 clue. I assumed 'retirement' became a thing after WWII.
......then of course, are the stats
Boo Hiss......
....and then breaks down stats for every clue.
What did you do before apps?
Did you have fun and did you learn anything and was there any pron.Three things to ask yourself of utmost importance
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