So I'm doing my 163rd 12 of 12.
Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.
Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore.
07:20. JP - I got up late today. Look - it's light out.
I mean, I did wake at 01:30 and 02:15 and around 04:00, but I stayed in bed. Except for the middle time. I got up to pee.
08:05. Simon watching me leave.
I think he was waiting for the coast to clear, so he could get up on things without anyone seeing.
08:19. Gym time.
Had it all almost to myself for the first 30 minutes.
09:42. Meeting my cousin for tea at a new place.
He's going to have an art showing there next month with his photographs.
10:59. David and I saying "hi" to our cousins
11:39. Time to Winterize.
11:56. ....and do leaves.
First city leaf pick-up is Tuesday.
13:10. Shep still needs a hike.
Beautiful day. Slightly chilly, but clear.
14:30. the weekly grocery shop.
Everything seems WAY more expensive than the few prior week.
14:58. Shep "helping out" unpacking the food.
17:48. Zoom.
Our weekly call. Possibly the first non-alcohol call.
19:00. Dinner Prep.
I made pasta with tomatoes. Normally there is basil too, but we were out.
See you next time at 164 in a month.
Only since this year have cherry toms become a staple with me. They're so good when you want to have the occasional odd 'pick' at something, and so much healthier than than lots of others.
We always enjoy the glimpse into your day.
Did you take that pic when I was telling you about my MIL’s cancer diagnosis?
I kinda think food prices are dropping and gas is down 60 cents a gallon .
I took during Morty's "joke" telling.
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