Sunday, September 10, 2023


Je am dead tired.  Je am. 

Yesterday, my Apple Watch and health app took a beating:  40,000+ steps, beat my movement goal by 387%. And did the same with my exercise goal by 943%. I wanted to see it hit 1000%, but I no longer had that energy. 

I also ran the most I ever have. The first 9 miles were a breeze, at least for me. Trust me, most were still beating me. The next 5 were ok. The last 2.5 killed me. Clearly, not literally. 

Mind you, are group was only about 18 and at least 10 of them opted for the shorter 8 mile run. I went with 18.  I only came in before three others............but the important thing was that I came in......and upright.

The shorter run group had left by this time, so I made sure to stay until the other three returned and congratulated them on their accomplishment.........because it indeed was. One of them got into a car that had a 26.2 sticker,, so she was experienced, but for myself and the other two, this was farthest we had ever gone. 

I eventually got in my car, and while I had water and some Nuun hydration tablets, I needed caffeine. So off the Starbucks I went for black tea, iced. 

While waiting, I just sat there watching the seismic activity going on below my skin. It was fascinating and a little disturbing all at the same time. 

I was dead tired after all that activity, but was unable to nap and had been drinking water like crazy all day with very little pee. 

I predict a night of full sleep. At some point. 

Song by: LCD Soundsystem


Morty said...

So cool. I almost asked you yesterday if you'd experienced that yet.

Travel said...

We expand our limits, by finding our limits. When is the Marathon?

Old Lurker said...

Wow. That is quite the accomplishment. You are a jock!

James Dwight Williamson said...


Ur-spo said...

I hope by now you have gotten rest and feel good in your achievements.