Thursday, January 21, 2010

Silver Lining

Hard as it is to believe, and as weird as this might sound, despite a few years break, today Denton and I celebrate our 25th anniversary!!!!

What you say? A quarter of a century??? But that's not what you're saying right now. Right now you're really saying: What????.....a few years break?

It's true. We were young and not necessarily equipped to handle all the things that two gay men in their early 20's have thrown at them. And we separated after 3 years together. We moved out into our own places but never really embarked on lives of our own.

We had keys to each other's apartments and Denton used his daily....or nightly, as the case may be (he worked 3-11p) and would stop over every night as I was getting ready for bed. We'd talk, he'd tuck me in and then he'd go home.

I would go to his place and house sit when he was out of town. I'd go down to use our (yes, it was still ours) washer and dryer. I'd go down to play with Kylie, which he got as a kitten when we lived apart - but it was I to set those wheels in motion by getting him kitten food, litter pan, etc so he would get a cat.

We went on vacation together. We basically did everything but live together and sleep together while we were apart. The two of us even dated other people, which all ended disastrously because deep down we knew that we were meant to be together. I think we even sabotaged those pseudo-relationships by introducing who we were dating to each other. Even most of those guys could see that we were passing time till we figured it all out on how to be together.

It was just a growing-up time for both of us and deep down, we never really feel like we've been apart and that this truly is our silver anniversary.

The image above isn't far from the truth. We were young and were lacking many funds, all I had to give was my heart. Regardless of what we have achieved financially, it is only the heart that really matters. It is all I really have to give that is of any value - not that Luigi, the Pawn Broker would give me anything for it.

When it comes down to it, I wouldn't be where I am without Denton. I would like to think he wouldn't be where he is without me by his side.

Regardless of what the religious or political right say, we have established very stable lives because of each other: personal, professional, family. So, they can't take that away from us as a couple or a group.

So - 25 years. Who knew?

Today we have no big plans, I mean, I have yoga! Just kidding. Kind of. I do have yoga. We'll do something over the weekend. A really really nice dinner out. We're pretty low-key people.

There are no gifts. We're planning a trip for mid-spring and that will be our gift to each other. I mean, who really wants to go away in January unless it were someplace like Hawaii? And in reality, I just started a new job. I can't really up and leave after only three weeks of being there.

Anyhoo - I'm pretty psyched to make this milestone. And the "joke" is, most every couple of guys we know are 10 years plus together, but more of them closing in on 20. Maybe it's the crowd we run in, but I think that we are and can be a committed cohort.

So, if he reads this - Denton should just know that I love him. That's it. Simple.

Song by: Rilo Kiley


Breenlantern said...

And yet, although the herat is all you have to give, it is the only thing that can't be bought or sold or obtained in any other way than to be freely given by another, makijng it the most valuable gift of all. What a beautiful, simple tribute to your relationship and partner. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you both a wonderful dinner, a great weekend and 25 + more years of cohortedness. I am joyful when we tack another year on to our own story and journey together...can't wait to boast our 25. Congrats.

Larry Ohio said...

Congratulations Blobby & Denton! I'm very happy for you. Twenty five years is a terrific accomplishment. What's really amazing is that you guys became partners when you were 21 or so. Mere babes! You've spent more than half your lives together. Awww, I'm starting to cry now. Shit.

Anyway, if you're lucky you'll get a bottle of fine wine out of me someday. Is Mad Dog 20/20 still your fave? Which flavor?

Nik_TheGreek said...

As Sean said, there is no greater gift than love...
Happy Anniversary! May you have 25 more years of happiness, excitement and fun...

Dith said...

Happy 25!!!!

I don't know what else to say. I'm kinda shocky over that post. It was so heartfelt and revealing of the inner Blobby.

Much love to you and Denton.

Nice to see StevieB said...

Great. Now I wanna leave work to go hug my man. Thanks.

Jonny said...

Has anyone ever actually SEEN Denton? Hmmmm? HMMMMMM? I'm just sayin'....

ROR...Kidding aside, Happy Anniversary, boys.

David G said...

Now all you need is a tabloid couple name. Howza bout Blenton?

CONGRATULATIONS BOYS, wishing you 25 more happy years together!

Kris said...

And yet I hold out hope that someday Denton will be mine...

Anyway, congrats -- couldn't have happened to a nicer couple of guys.

tornwordo said...

That is a long time. Were you teenagers when you first got together? I had a break with my first bf and got back together, but in the end we weren't meant to be. When Serge came along, I said, Oh, this is what it's supposed to be like. Neither of us would have accomplished what we have without each other, much like what you stated. Congrats!

AJohnP said...

WOW....congrats to you both. That is such a sweet story. Here's to many more years together!

A Lewis said...

25 years? What were, like, first grade or something when you got together? Holy smokes. CONGRATULATIONS to you both. For putting out, for putting up with. For making it work. We're on our way to 13. I know it's as comfortable today as it ever was. I send you boys 25 whacks on your back ends for my little gift. Smooches.

anne marie in philly said...

awwwwww, the sentimental side of blobby...congrats and here's to 25 more year of love!

(raises a glass of water in toast - unfortunately I am at work reading this post)

DrRuss said...

I just teared up at work and people are walking by as I wipe my eyes asking "what's wrong."

Congratulations to the pair of you. Don't change a thing.

Anonymous said...

You made me blubber on a train :-) Congratulations and thank you for sharing your happiness with us!

Curtis said...

That is SO terrific! My best to you both!

Birdie said...

What a wonderful thing to celebrate today. So sweet to read of love, especially of a friend. My best wishes to you and Denton. Congratulations and many, many more.

Blobby said...

It's official. I think this is the most commented upon blog entry I've done! Who knew?

A big thanks for all your kind words - from both of us. Yes, both.

My intent was not to make anyone cry or blubber, but it's nice to know I have that power. :) I'll try to harness it for good, but not promises.

For the record, we were NOT teens when we met. But I was 21, he was slightly older.

And Jon, Denton didn't know who "Johnny" was when he read the comments, so it made it THAT much more funny.

Kip said...

Thanks for writing so simply and honestly on your relationship. It is very encouraging for the many of us out there still looking. Sometimes it is easy to believe two men can never truly commit to one another. Hearing about successful, loving couples like you and Denton give us single guys hope!

cb said...

25 years??? That's longer than I've been gay!!!