Do not even know how I stumbled across this - so do not bother to axe.
It makes no sense if you haven't seen Avatar. It makes little sense if you have! Clearly this guy has too much time on his hands. The line about him being called a virgin in high school probably rings true. It'd probably ring truer if he said ".....and after high school too!".
I'm not sure making this video blog post is his oddest offense. The taped up sign that says "Jonas Brothers" is slightly disturbing, though I can't really tell you why. I mean, truly, I've never seen or knowingly heard them. Sure, I've heard of them, but listened to a song? Nah.
I thought that boy-group was for tween girls, not males in their mid-20s. Of course, may it a joke, running or non.
When I see something like this, it does make me take pause as to why I'd continue doing any video blogging. But then I snap out of it and think, there is no way I'm going to as much trouble as this guy.
If the video doesn't embed (and I can't tell if it is at this point), you can find it here.
I did take a screen capture at one point during his blog, because, well........when I saw this....
But there is certainly no questioning his virginity - still!
Song by: Madonna
I will never, ever, ever post a video on you tube. Period.
This poor guy is the poster boy for Asperger Syndrome. Luckily, one of the markers is lack of awareness of how others see you.
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