You may have experienced technical difficulties getting to my blog. For how long - I do not know.
I have certainly been experiencing them since Sunday morning. Stuff on the editor side seems to have published, but when going through my FTP/Host server, they bomb out.
Why, you might ask? Goooooood question.
One you would think my Host Server could answer. Here was a line from my on-line chat with them as I attempted to troubleshoot the issue. Mind you - I am talking to Technical Support!
artemiom: I am sorry I am not familiar with the blogging process. What should I check on the server which could cause your issue?
I. Don't. Know.
If I knew, not only would I not be contacting you, I wouldn't need to contact you. This is not an out-sourcing or off-shoring issue, this is just basic hiring the wrong people kind of issue.
When asked if this is an issue due to a system upgrade, he said: Exactly.
Want to know when the system upgrade was scheduled for? Do ya??? October 16th.
What fucked up organization changes the upgrade by 3.5 weeks and not notify anyone? Because not only is it an issue with my blog posting - they changed my frickin' sign-ons and passwords with out word one!
That means going in to all my settings and changing them just to republish the blog for anyone to see - which is a problem anyway. Much more so when I don't even know of new sign-ons or passwords......or of the actual upgrade.
So please stick with me over the next few days. I'm not sure how I will resolve this - and clearly, neither does my host.
I. Don't. Know.
If I knew, not only would I not be contacting you, I wouldn't need to contact you. This is not an out-sourcing or off-shoring issue, this is just basic hiring the wrong people kind of issue.
When asked if this is an issue due to a system upgrade, he said: Exactly.
Want to know when the system upgrade was scheduled for? Do ya??? October 16th.
What fucked up organization changes the upgrade by 3.5 weeks and not notify anyone? Because not only is it an issue with my blog posting - they changed my frickin' sign-ons and passwords with out word one!
That means going in to all my settings and changing them just to republish the blog for anyone to see - which is a problem anyway. Much more so when I don't even know of new sign-ons or passwords......or of the actual upgrade.
So please stick with me over the next few days. I'm not sure how I will resolve this - and clearly, neither does my host.
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