It's always bugged me that the group who did this song wasn't Marcy's Playground. It just begged for a possessive form - if you axe me. But no one did. No one ever does. Sigh.
I probably have stuff to blog about, but because I'm being lazy, I thought I'd share some pics I took of a man vacationing in OBX.
He and his "family" stayed at the same place we did. Naturally, I back-storied the entire thing to fit my needs. It was him, his fiancee and his daughter from his first marriage.
Why would I say this? The girl and the woman got along too well to be mother-daughter. And the woman was trying too hard it seemed to get the girl to like her. And "dad" wasn't wearing a wedding ring. It all made perfect sense to me.
Of course, I'm just showing you because dad is h-o-t. Enjoy.
Song by: Marcy Playground
Dad is hot alright. Nice! By any chance, did you ask him to make a submission for Undie Monday next week? I'd like to see more of him.
(I said submission, hehehe)
Dad looks suspiciously like YOU Blobby, especially in pics #4 and 5.
Methinks you have a crush on yourself!
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