Wednesday, March 13, 2024

12 of 12

 So I'm doing my 167th 12 of 12.

Normally it is 12 pictures taken on the 12th of the month. Since I only post once per day, you get my images the following day. All pictures taken with my iPhone. Click images to enlarge, if you choose.

Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from, what I can tell, any number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad is no longer doing this, nor is successor coordinating the linking of other 12 of 12'ers anymore.

04:39. I still have an hour to sleep!!!  ....but maybe take a peek at 'Connections' in NYT

06:09. Breakfast: Completed

06:41. No Run A.M.  I biked 12 miles for my cardio. I'll run this evening. 

07:14. Stretching the fuck out of my leg. I'm hoping for the ok to get cortisone later this week. 

08:00. Caffeine. 

08:08. I don't know why I love this so. But I do. 

13:05. Lately, I have only been in the mood for a half a sandwich at lunch. 
Trying not to eat just because I can. 

14:46 Starburst Jellybeans.  I pick out the green because they're disgusting. 
Why even have green?  They don't have green Starbursts. 

17:27.  Getting ready for running group. 
5 miles of speed interval training.  Ick!

19:05. Creamer. 
While I waited for a dinner order to be created, I walked to the grocery so 710 would have this for his coffee. 

17:17.  Dinner pick-up. 

20:08.  Waffle treat time. 
Actually, half of a waffle broken into two. He doesn't know. 

Not the most exciting day. I cannot believe I didn't take a pic when Georty came a-callin'. We had a nice visit, as they were in town for part of the day. Time with them was way more important that getting a pic.


James Dwight Williamson said...

Caffeine was looking at you

Travel said...

A long day, rest more.

Morty said...

Was SO great to see you! Love the house and your beautiful neighbourhood.