Tuesday, January 02, 2007


David called me on New Year's Day to take me to task for my post on January 1st. You would have thought, being a friend of over two decades, he would just be calling to see how my holidays were. How wrong I was. At first he seemed all cordial, until he got to the real reason he dialed my digits.

He took me to task for being "an Eyore". He thinks I should be "a Tigger". David says I need to lose the 'dark cloud' thing. I'm not completely disagreeing with him - but it's not like I make a habit, in this blog, of getting too down on myself - do I?

So while on the phone, I flashed on his comment and all those internet quizzes who tell you what kind of character are you - depends whichever niche quiz you opt to do. Since he had chosen a Winnie the Pooh theme, that is the one I went for. Here was the result:

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

It's all a lie. I'm no Kanga.

Even while on the phone I had pegged which character I'd be.

I'm Rabbit. Fussy. Controlling. Know-it-All who is always ends up being proven wrong. Slightly Nelly. (I just put that last thing in there before the comments from Jon and Morty started flying.)

At least I'm not Sebastian Cabot - like I accused David as being his closest character/narrator association might be considered. And it wouldn't be the first time he was referred to as "Mr. French". (wink wink...knowwhatimean...knowwhatimean?)

The big plus is - neither of wouldn't be considered that knicker-wearing, tea party going little sissy - Christopher Robin.


Anonymous said...

Oh great - I'm going to have that damned Loggins and Messina song stuck in my head for a week.

Anonymous said...

LOL - apparently I am rabbit. Which I think all tiggers turn into about my age.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead...say it! You're thinking it...perhaps even privately emailing each other about it.

Yes, you think I am Christopher Robin don't you?

I take great pride in my knickers. They make skipping a lot easier.

Anonymous said...

I'm Pooh!

Loveable and kind, slow.

Anonymous said...

I am a rabbit too. I think the test is rigged. For example, I like Salsa music and none of the catagories offered applied to that. None of the sports catagories looked appealing either. Phooey on the test! That's what I say. I wanted to be Tigger because he is a cuter character. Who cares what his personality is. Life is all appearance anyway. Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I am NOT an Eyesore. I tested this morning and came up Pooh.

Blobby said...

Denton SAYS he came out as "Pooh". hehehe re-read that, would ya?

Jon - you are so Rabbit. You're not gay enough to be Master Robin.

...and why has no one tested as Roo or Piglet?

And Dith - you are SO Eyore.

Anonymous said...

LOL - Jon not gay enough.