Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Two Faces Have I

I had yet to comment on the United Health Care CEO shooting from a week or so ago. 

For a bunch of people who are appalled by school shootings and the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse, I am a bit flummoxed at the amount of cheering - literal and figurative - that has gone on about the man shot. 

I follow a group on FB called 'the Other 98%' and the administrators (because I don't think just anyone can post on there) are skirting on the border of advocating murder, retribution and what they deem is justice. 710 has seen late night talk shows where the audience claps and cheers when the topic is brought up. 

Yeah - I "get" that people are frustrated with how healthcare is run in this country - this is nothing new. However, I am very uncomfortable on how very comfortable people are that this killing was (almost) justified. As if it's really going to change they system. 

The time for potential change was November 5th and in that we failed. Nothing the new administration is going to do to improve anything. Quite the opposite I suspect. 

I get that I'm a hypocrite in this regard. I've wished / hoped / prayed BLOTUS would die. But I didn't really say assassinated. He's old enough, fat enough and unhealthy enough that it should take care of itself. 

While I'd consider myself liberal, the other 98% (not all, obvi) are seemingly ok with this brand of justice. But they are not okee-dokee of the Rittenhouses of the world - who saw their/his causes as just and acted upon it, because it's not THEIR cause, so it's wrong. 

It can't really be both ways, can it?

And if it is, where is the line?  Jakob fucked up my Starbucks order, so he must die? Who gets to judge what they see as morally wrong and take (or approve of) lethal action?

As if this fucking country weren't lawless enough, it seems so many are ok with taking it further. Yes, I'd expect it from the republicans who seemingly love this behaviour from its leaders on down, but it's just so fucking disappointing to see it's not just them. 

Song by: Bruce Springsteen


James Dwight Williamson said...

Realizing you work in healthcare, This insurance company is the Worst on earth of private carriers. When I saw the surgery that had been done to him and the hardware in his body. It’s certainly criminal . I think in America these days there is. Not going to be any in between . Either vigilante justice against the Billionaires or Billionaire companies that are destroying us , or sitting still as hapless victims. Chaotic Good probably shouldn’t include murder.

Travel said...

I think the cheering is not for the violent act, but for the selection of the victim.