Sunday, December 29, 2024

Warmer Climate

We are nearing the end of 2024. I'm trying to put the finishing touches on my last two posts of the year and to start thinking about my first post of 2025, which pretty much sums up 2024, but in text form. 

Expect a few #@&!$ to be thrown around. 

We are ending the year with unseasonable weather. 

62°F was the high yesterday. I think the low was 51° .  

It was great weather in which to do a 5 mile run at 07:30.  T-shirt and shorts in late December. My hands were the only thing cold, but they're always cold. I just couldn't see running in gloves in 50+ degrees. I took it like a man.  <insert eye roll emoji here>

On our dog walk, we went to Lake Erie. So did 1,003 other people and 412 dogs. 

....and two dolts. 

Yes, you can see them there in the lake. SOOOOO manly, but not enough so to go all the way under. Pussies. As we were leaving others were putting paddle boards into the water and were ready to get out on the water. 

Today the temps look to be the same, but with lots and lots of rain. I'm skipping running. I'm easing into this. I normally run three days - rest one - run two - rest one. As I'm still in PT, I am opting for just two days per week so far. I'm babying myself. 

The stride seems fine. I'm finding that my breathing is gone. I never had a good technique with which to begin, but it kind of worked. Muscle memory is not bringing that back, so I struggle a bit. I'm sure I'll get back into the swing. The Old Man's Running Group was thrilled to have me back. That was nice. 

Ok. off to finish those last two posts of this craptastic year. 

Song by: Snow Patrol


James Dwight Williamson said...

I can remember many years with warm patches , we are in one right now too . But January and February are waiting in the wings. Although who knows. What will happen

Travel said...

The Dolts are a few inches away from where the cold will really hit them, one nice wave and you will hear them scream like school girls on the bus.

Unknown said...

I guess that the dolts never heard of shrinkage.