Saturday, December 28, 2024

the Geese of Beverly Road

Holidays are almost over. Praise Yahweh. 

Oh, they haven't been horrible or anything. It was good seeing my sister and some of my friends, but the idea of even wanted obligation is taxing at times. 

I will say, I missed having Chinese on xmas day with my cousin and his wife. We do it most years, but they were under the weather, and I was happy to hole-up at home and not leave. We are making plans for later this week should they feel up to it. 

That said - picture time. Pet picture time, that is. 

Reason #2 we have covers on the good furniture. 

Squirrel huntin'. 

Bailey might have been paying me mind because I may have been sneaking her food from the table. 
I am my father's son. 

Playing coy - like all of the sudden he wasn't up to anything. 

It's a shame he's so cute. 

When looks and tail thumping doesn't get your attention, barking will. 

Bailey doing Bailey things. 

Song by: the National


Raybeard said...

A selection of familiars to round off my 'Blogpals 2024' file ever so nicely.

Travel said...

Put a smile on my face on a grey winter morning, thanks,

James Dwight Williamson said...

That is just one gorgeous cat, I am a dog lover , Shep is tops, Simon , he is just stunning and such good karma for you . Bailey is tres elegant.

Anonymous said...

Your Sat. Simon and Shep photos are a treat. ==Glenda in Ky