Sunday, March 26, 2023

Hurts So Good

I suppose there are benefits to running, besides keeping the Physical Therapy industry afloat. 

There are times I really enjoy it - and not always after the fact, but during. There is still a point in most runs where I ask myself, "what the fuck are you doing" or worse, telling myself "you can't do this".  

Yesterday was one of those days. 

We ran through the metro park in which I injured myself four weeks ago, extending my PT stay. At this point, I just have a standing appointment every Friday at 07:00. I might just keep it forever. 

I grew up in these metro parks. We take Shep there for hikes. But I see them very differently now. 

From where we start it's all hill.  Up, that is. The first two miles +.  Each time you round a bend, you just see more hill. And these are not gradual inclines. Oh, they are for your car, but not your calves or hamstrings. As physically challenging as it is, mentally - for me - it's worse. 

I have yet to avoid the psych out. 

Granted, I DO get up the hill. It's a slower grind for sure, and if I have to stop, it's usually at the top where there finally is some flat(ter) terrain. That's just to catch my breath, for 10-20 seconds and I'm off again. 

This last run was a timed one. 80 minutes. My physical the rapist and I are working me back up, so I turned around at the three mile mark, knowing I had three more to do just to get back. As six miles doesn't take me 80 minutes, I was the first one back.  Yay me!!!!  WINNER!

But I stuck around for the others. You know, the ones who don't really acknowledge my presence. That said, before the run, one of the coaches addressed me (by name!) and asked how the knee was doing and gave me some guidance. 

While I didn't get to know anyone, I did chat with a handful about running in general. Honestly, what I was waiting for was the sport massage therapist to set up.  That was benefit of running today - to get to utilize him for free.   Well, that and someone made muffins from peanut butter, whey protein and chocolate chips.  They were good, if not a little sticky. 

Anyhoo.......the guy in the pic and the very snug bicycle shorts (which doesn't seem right for running - and I know he ran) is Zach. Honestly, his looks were second on my thoughts about him. I was there for the 'massage'.   ....but he wasn't hard on the eyes, though I could have done without his two crucifix tatts. 

Now, let's be honest, there was not really going to be a full on massage - outside at 46 degrees with 20 mph winds, with people standing around watching. That said, in those very same woods at that very same park, at a much younger age, I did more than get a massage and in a lot colder temps.   ....and probably with people standing around watching. 

But this is 59 year old me, not 19 year old me. And by 19, I mean 17*.  Don't judge. When I go to my knees now, things creak and hurt. And it's usually for something I dropped and have to pick up. 

Zach axed questions, and was bummed to hear about two different bursa areas.  He found pressure points that while hurt, it - and say it with me - hurts so good. Like the PT and the PA, he too said my hamstrings were might taut. But he gave me some exercises to try, on top of what the PT has given me. 

I'm assuming they can do no harm. 

If I want him to hurt me more, I now have his card. But it'll cost me. 


*and by 17 I might mean 16. and by 'might' mean 'do'. 

Song by: John Mellencamp


James Dwight Williamson said...

I’d let Zach massage me without the bike shorts and wearing only the crucifix tattoos. Proud of you for running, if you do go to Zach for full massage , please feel free to share about the experience

Travel said...

An early bloomer,

Old Lurker said...

Good for you for keeping up the running group. They will soon learn what a delightful person you are and talk with you more often.

Sooner or later the weather will warm up enough that Zach will be able to administer a proper massage.