Thursday, March 23, 2023


When I blogged about Spring and Indictments the other day (only one has happened so far, btw....) it wasn't until after hitting "publish" did I remember that March 20th equals by blogaversary. 

I started this thing back in 2003! I think last year I said I was 20. Or starting 20? I dunno. I'm old. Me me, and blog me. 

6,660 posts. Including this one.  18,501 comments. Not including the ones of praise you leave for me today. 

I kid. I kid. 

You can leave those anytime. It doesn't have to be today.   

I was gonna write other stuff, but then realized I said it in the vlog. One in which I did in one take - right or wrong. But probably mostly wrong. I find it best not to overthink these things. One and done. Much like a trick. 

We're (well, I am) already into three days of another year. Maybe this year, I'll make this thing interesting. 

.....but probably not. 

Song by: Duran Duran


Old Lurker said...

Praise be! All this time I thought you were a somewhat snarky chatbot, but it appears you are real!

Anonymous said...

Blobby congrats!!

Travel said...

Happy Blogiversary! 21 years, you are committed. It is great hearing and seeing you.

Happyman said...

Congrats! I appreciate what you do. Blog on...

Juan said...

Thank you, Blobby! And congratulations!

James Dwight Williamson said...

Congratulations and thank you !

Ur-spo said...

Congratulations from me too! I am glad you are here and keeping going! Hugs.