Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Shit Towne

Wow - I guess there is a song title for every post! ....and I need to look no further than my iTunes liberry. But to be truthful, I think almost all of the post titles I use have been from my audio collection. There might be a stray one here or there - but I have a pretty wide-spread music selection

And you all know how I like to take pictures while I drive. I know - it's a dangerous habit, but I do it for this blog. I do it for you!

So imagine my joy when I came upon a sanitation truck. THIS sanitation truck. (click image to enlarge)

Now, is it just my imagination, or does Mr. Smiley Face have a little Dirty Sanchez going on?

I think he does. I think he does.

Song by: Live

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