Sunday, October 22, 2006


Wow. I missed a blog entry yesterday. That has to be like the first time since June or July. I'm too lazy to actually go back and check. But in my defense, at least twice this month I've made dual entries on one day - so that should buy me something. ...and we have the new girl to look after. No, still no name jumping out at us - and it's very frustrating not being able to call her anything.

Anyhoo...there has to be a way to stop these frickin' swift boater type ads. I'm sorry, but screw the first admendment in these instances. It's one thing to blather on about lies a candidate has portrayed, but either downright lies or as close as one can get to being Pinnochio.

In Ohio, these ads are running saying that democratic senate candidate Sherrod Brown has not paid his taxes for almost 13 years. In reality - Brown had a lien on unpaid unemployment tax from 1992 for $1,776 (ironically enough, the ads don't play up his unpatriotic behaviour on the amount!). The tax was paid within a four month period after being issued, but someone in the Ohio tax office never bothered to mark it as such. It was finally corrected in 2005. So, while being total fabrication in reality, the GOP and DeWine refuse to denounce the ad and the group refuses to pull it.

If New York, democratic candidate for congress, Frank Acruri is being demeaned by saying from a hotel room he called a phone sex line. In reality - Arcuri meant to call the Dept. of Criminal Justice Services which have the same last SEVEN numbers of the phone number. Meaning: he misdialed the first three. Telephone records show he called his intended number less than a minute after his initial misplaced call. Unless he's a REAL premature ejaculator, it's safe to say he didn't really stay on his 'sex call'. The National Republican Congressional Committee refuses to pull the ad.

This shit kills me for the obivous reasons. But the other obvious ones which I have never seen ANYONE ever call out. Bush didn't when Swift Boat veterans did it to Kerry, yet he has the nerve to stand in front of the press in the last few weeks and crap out some statement of 'isn't this convenient that the democrats are trying to politicize something like this..' in regards to Mark Foley - but you could put substitute person or subject matter into the reason.

Bush had the nerve to use WTC images in his 2004 ads, but thinks it was horrible that Kerry used Cheney's lezbo daughter for political talking points. Kerry shouldn't politicize one persons gayness when it was a HUGE campaign issue, but Bush can capitalize on the deaths of 2,749 individuals?

This is DC we're talking about. Everything is political. Everything. Should it be? I'd say 'no'. But this is nothing new and yet have you ever seen a Tim Russert (or anyone else) not only call them on it or counter it w/something they might have done to someone else? Nah. The Steven Colberts, Jon Stewarts and Bill Mahers do - but I don't know how seriously they are taken in the bigger scheme of things.

...but someone should. Shame them all. Make it stop!

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