Sunday, October 01, 2006


One of the funniest things I've heard in a long time happened yesterday. What ever happened to the classic telephone salutation? Caller I.D. - that's what!

Returning a call from a friend who shall remain nameless (to protect the not so innocent), the person on the other end doesn't respond, "This is...." or even "Hello". No, this is the way it the telephone was answered:

"You've interrupted the Hilary Duff E! True Hollywood Story!"

I could not stop laughing for about two full minutes (time it - it's a long time!). Tears in my eyes. Laughing to the point where Person X finally said: "It's not THAT funny!" But it was. On many many many levels.

...and yet a little sad. Mostly on his/her part!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for protecting my identity, my friend, but I'm proud to admit that this was me. I'm as deep and as shallow as they come!

Anyway, we'll see how your own viewing habits change through this period of unemployment. Hillary Duff is HARDLY the lowest point in my choice of TV shows.

I think the absolute nadir was during my last week unemployed, when I was staying up late at night after the spouse was asleep to watch TIVOed episodes of "The View" and "Fashion House." Now THAT is sad!

Blobby said...

I was willing to let it go. Notice how i never even mentioned that you had wrapped up the show on Lindsay Lohan right before I called???